“Seating” Your Students Up for Success

Students can excel when given the tools they need. An appropriate work environment is imperative to facilitate function. The growing choices for seating options are exciting, but also make it difficult to decide what works best for each student. 

Traditional Chair and Desk

  • Best when feet are on the floor, desk is near lower rib height and the student forearms can rest comfortably at a 90° angle. Good for most students that have adequate strength and stability to maintain internal postures correctly. 

Traditional Chair and Desk

Traditional Chair and Desk

Hokki Stool and Rocking Chair

  • Allows for “controlled” movement. Great for those kids that need to move! Activates musculoskeletal system and can promote improved core posture leading to better distal control (like writing or computer work).

Hokki Stool

Hokki Stool

Standing Desks

  • This is an up-and-coming new rage that allows students to be more physically active during their day while also facilitating better concentration, especially in students 3rd grade and younger. (Taking a stand to help Students. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Study, February 26, 2018, https://uwm.edu/news/using-standing-desks-in-schools/)

Standing Desk

Standing Desk

Cube Chair and HowdaHug Chair

  • Cube Chair - provides additional support, gives children their own space, preserves physical energy. Great for students with low tone and weakness. 

  • HowdaHug Chair - provides deep pressure for improved proprioception, vestibular input. Works well for students that have Autism, ADHD, and sensory processing difficulties. 

HowdaHug Chair

HowdaHug Chair

Trilogy physical therapists are experts in analyzing a student’s environment and helping make meaningful implementations that improve attention, work endurance, and performance. Contact us today to learn more.